Flood Forum Meeting
28 January 2019 12:31
There was a meeting held on Thursday 24th January 2019 at the Community Centre, Boot Hill, to enable residents to outline their concerns regarding flooding throughout Grendon and the surrounding areas.
It was agreed that a 'Grendon Flood Action Group' would be formed, this group will meet regularly and be supported by the Flood Forum and Warwickshire County Council.
The main aim of the group is to agree a strategy of which areas need addressing by the relevant authorities, raising a list of questions / issues to be addressed. The representatives from both the Flood Forum and Warwickshire County Council will then send the questions to all of the relevant authorities involved, eg. WCC, NWBC, Environment Agency, Highways England, and then ask them to attend a meeting with the group to address these concerns.
The group will then follow this up with the relevant authorities through continued meetings to ensure issues are addressed and rectified.
This has been a great success in other areas where flood action groups have been set up.
For further information, please contact below: